Why Choose Hair Transplant Medical Tourism?

1. Cost-Effective Solutions Hair transplant procedures in countries like India, Thailand, and Poland are significantly more affordable compared to the US, UK, Mexico or Australia. Save up to 70% on your treatment without compromising on quality.

2. World-Class Expertise Top destinations for medical tourism boast highly experienced surgeons and state-of-the-art clinics. These professionals are often internationally trained and adhere to global standards of safety and hygiene.

3. Advanced Technology Leading hair transplant clinics abroad utilize the latest techniques and technologies, such as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and DHI (Direct Hair Implantation), ensuring natural-looking results and minimal downtime.

4. Shorter Waiting Times Unlike many Western countries, where you might wait months for a consultation and procedure, medical tourism destinations offer quicker scheduling, allowing you to get treated and back to your routine sooner.

5. Comprehensive Packages Many clinics offer all-inclusive packages that cover the cost of the procedure, accommodation, airport transfers, and post-operative care. This makes the entire process seamless and stress-free.


Confirm your Dates & stay relaxed

You have to just confirm your travel dates to us and we will take care of your appointment, local transport and hotel booking. Once you arrive, we will arrange for your pick-up from the Airport/station and assist you through out your stay.

Book your Tickets

Once you receive confirmation from us, you can go ahead and book your tickets & apply for Visa. Double-check the documents you will need.

It is better to reach India at least 24 hours prior to hair transplant surgery so that that you can have enough sleep before surgery. You can start your travel after 48 hours of your hair transplant.

Things you must carry

While packing your suitcase do not forget to have your Tickets, ID and Visa handy. Your medical record may be required therefore you must carry it. We suggest you must carry a couple of button-up shirts as you will find it difficult to pull any clothes over your head after the completion of the transplant procedure.

Privacy & Confidentiality

You can be rest assured that from your initial contact to the aftercare you will be dealt professionally and with utmost care. We will take care of your confidentiality.

Follow-up after returning home via telemedicine

You can be rest assured that from your initial contact to the aftercare you will be dealt professionally and with utmost care. We will take care of your confidentiality.

Just drop an email to us or simply call and talk to our representative for personalized assistance.

You can visit New Hair Brochure for more details

Our Fantastic Neo Packages

Comprehensive Package

  • USD 1 Per Graft + TAX
  • Hotel Stays
    Client Pays Upon request
    we can book with special rate

select plan

Exclusive Package

  • USD 1.5 Per Graft + TAX
  • Hotel Stays
    Included (3 STAR)
    Based on Availability

select plan

Premium Package

  • USD 2 Per Graft + TAX
  • Hotel Stays
    Included (4 STAR)
    Based on Availability

select plan

FAQ Section: Hair Transplant Medical Tourism

What is hair transplant medical tourism?

Hair transplant medical tourism involves travelling to another country to undergo hair transplant surgery. This practice is popular due to the availability of advanced techniques, skilled surgeons, and cost-effective procedures in certain countries.

Why do people choose medical tourism for hair transplants?

People opt for medical tourism for hair transplants primarily due to lower costs, high-quality care, and the availability of experienced surgeons. Additionally, some countries offer advanced technologies and shorter waiting times for procedures.

Which countries are popular for hair transplant medical tourism?

Top destinations for hair transplant medical tourism include India, Mexico, Thailand, and Poland. These countries are known for their specialised clinics, skilled surgeons, and affordable prices.

How much can I save by opting for a hair transplant abroad?

Patients can save up to 50-70% on hair transplant procedures abroad compared to prices in countries like the United States or the United Kingdom. The cost savings depend on the destination, clinic, and specific procedure.

What should I look for in a hair transplant clinic abroad?

When choosing a hair transplant clinic abroad, consider factors such as the surgeon’s experience, clinic accreditation, patient reviews, before and after photos, and the technology used. It’s also important to ensure the clinic follows international safety and hygiene standards.

Is it safe to travel abroad for a hair transplant?

Travelling abroad for a hair transplant can be safe if proper research and precautions are taken. Choose reputable clinics, verify the credentials of surgeons, and ensure the clinic meets international standards. It’s also advisable to check travel advisories and health guidelines for the destination country.

How do I prepare for a hair transplant procedure abroad?

Preparation for a hair transplant abroad includes researching and selecting a reputable clinic, consulting with the surgeon, arranging travel and accommodation, and following pre-operative instructions provided by the clinic. Ensure you have all necessary medical records and understand the post-operative care required.

What is the recovery process like after a hair transplant abroad?

The recovery process after a hair transplant involves following the post-operative care instructions provided by the clinic, which may include medication, avoiding strenuous activities, and protecting the scalp from sun exposure. Most patients can return to normal activities within a week, but full recovery and hair growth may take several months.

How to plan your hair transplant with Neo follicle transplant India?

What is hair transplant medical tourism?

Hair transplant medical tourism involves travelling to another country to undergo hair transplant surgery. This practice is popular due to the availability of advanced techniques, skilled surgeons, and cost-effective procedures in certain countries.

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Why do people choose medical tourism for hair transplants?

Hair transplant medical tourism involves travelling to another country to undergo hair transplant surgery. This practice is popular due to the availability of advanced techniques, skilled surgeons, and cost-effective procedures in certain countries.

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Which countries are popular for hair transplant medical tourism?

Hair transplant medical tourism involves travelling to another country to undergo hair transplant surgery. This practice is popular due to the availability of advanced techniques, skilled surgeons, and cost-effective procedures in certain countries.

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How much can I save by opting for a hair transplant abroad?

Hair transplant medical tourism involves travelling to another country to undergo hair transplant surgery. This practice is popular due to the availability of advanced techniques, skilled surgeons, and cost-effective procedures in certain countries.

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What is hair transplant medical tourism?

Hair transplant medical tourism involves travelling to another country to undergo hair transplant surgery. This practice is popular due to the availability of advanced techniques, skilled surgeons, and cost-effective procedures in certain countries.

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Why do people choose medical tourism for hair transplants?

Hair transplant medical tourism involves travelling to another country to undergo hair transplant surgery. This practice is popular due to the availability of advanced techniques, skilled surgeons, and cost-effective procedures in certain countries.

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Which countries are popular for hair transplant medical tourism?

Hair transplant medical tourism involves travelling to another country to undergo hair transplant surgery. This practice is popular due to the availability of advanced techniques, skilled surgeons, and cost-effective procedures in certain countries.

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How much can I save by opting for a hair transplant abroad?

Hair transplant medical tourism involves travelling to another country to undergo hair transplant surgery. This practice is popular due to the availability of advanced techniques, skilled surgeons, and cost-effective procedures in certain countries.

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